
decommissioned怎么读: 音标[ˌdi:kəˈmiʃənd]
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◎ decommissioned是什么意思

v. 使退役( decommission的过去式和过去分词 )

v withdraw from active service


1. Not at all it's been decommissioned and scheduled to be di*antled.

完全没有 反应堆已经退役 即将拆除

2. We recall her in the morning, decommission her.

我们明早再将她召回 废弃掉

3. Think of it as decommissioning unwanted ordnance.


4. But once they put in the overstreet walkways, it was decommissioned.

但是过街天桥建好之后 这条通道就废弃了

5. If we don't get her numbers back up, she'll be decommissioned.

如果不给她补充点技能 她就会被废弃了

6. I was decommissioned four years ago, as you know.

如你所知 我四年前就退役了

7. They were refitting her, but they changed their minds and decided to decommission her.

本来是要改装船的 后来改了主意 决定让她退役了

8. Connecting the main asylum to the decommissioned outbuildings.

这些隧道连接着 疯人院的主楼和废弃的附属建筑

9. A decommissioned power station, somewhere we won't be disturbed.

一个废弃的发电站 一个我们不会被打扰的地方

10. I know. It was decommissioned years ago, in theory.

我知道 理论上它在好些年前就退役了
