
choice怎么读: 音标[tʃɒis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ choice是什么意思

n. 选择, 精选品, 选择权
a. 精选的, 挑三拣四的, 上等的
[计] DOS内部命令:在批处理文件中
该命令用于提示用户作出选择, 决定批处理文件的流程

n. the person or thing chosen or selected
n. the act of choosing or selecting
s. of superior grade
s. appealing to refined taste


1. But your other choice that is no choice at all.


2. It's not my choice. It's her choice.

这不是我的选择 这是她的选择

3. It's about choices choices that I have made, choices I stand by.

只关乎选择 我既已做出的选择 我坚持履行的选择

4. They gave me a choice, but it was no choice.

他们虽然给了我选择 但我其实别无选择

5. So it wasn't the perfect choice, but it was my choice.

当时那不是最好的选择 但却是我的选择

6. You made that choice. It wasn't a choice.

是你做出了选择 我别无选择

7. Because there is no right choice, only choices.

因为并没有正确的选择 只有各种选择

8. Kate had a choice to make a difficult choice, a choice about what kind of person she wanted to be.

面临着一个选择 一个艰难的选择 那就是决定自己要成为什么样的人

9. When the choice is fight or die, there is no choice.

在战斗和死亡之间 没有选择

10. I have choices. ‭I have plenty of choices.

我有备选 我有好多备选
