
timeframe怎么读: 音标[taɪmfreɪm]
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◎ timeframe是什么意思

n. 时间表


1. Yes, but I never specified a timeframe.

对 但我从来没说什么时候

2. That gives you a clear timeframe for how long she was in there.


3. That couldn't have been the only birth during that timeframe that raised eyebrows.

那段时间里 这种小孩不会只有一个

4. We love having you but just trying to get a timeframe.

我们不是不欢迎你们 只是想有个确定的时间

5. Obscure the reason, but make it clear the timeframe is now.

模糊原因 但说清楚一刻也不能等

6. All evidence indicates that the timeframe from exposure to expiration is under 48 hours.

所有证据表明 患者从接触病毒到死亡 不足48小时

7. Cherelated signatures combined with a narrow timeframe suggests that we're dealing with ideologically driven spree killers.

这么多古巴革命时期的格瓦拉相关元素 表明凶手是群受意识形态驱使的 杀人狂魔

8. I got a blue pickup truck, two blocks away from the apartment, right in our timeframe, and check this out.

我查到了一辆蓝色皮卡 离公寓有两个街区 正好符合我们的时间段 再看看这个

9. He was the only person to enter and exit the building in the timeframe of the shooting while also carrying a case that was large enough to conceal a highcaliber weapon.

他是在枪击的时间范围里 唯一携带足以能藏下 一支大口径武器的箱子 进出大厦的人
