
postpartum怎么读: 音标[pәust'pɑ:tәm]
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◎ postpartum是什么意思

a. 产后的
[医] 产后的

a occurring immediately after birth


1. And her mother, she's been real sick with the postpartum.

还有她妈妈 她对产后生活十分厌倦

2. And her mother she's been real sick with the postpartum.

还有她妈妈 她对产后生活十分厌倦

3. She probably had postpartum depression or something.


4. First rehab, and now for postpartum depression.

先是戒毒 现在又是产后忧郁症

5. Kym was suffering from postpartum depression when she killed herself.

金姆自杀的时候 患有产后忧郁症

6. No indication of maternal desire or postpartum psychosis.


7. I read it when I was pregnant and it really helped with the postpartum.

我怀孕的时候读的 这对产后真的很有帮助

8. I've been suffering from postpartum depression since my daughter was born.

从我女儿出生起 我一直在遭受产后抑郁的折磨

9. The nutrients in the placenta are very effective in averting postpartum depression.

胎盘中的营养成分 能有效地预防产后忧郁症

10. So we should look at anyone who is pregnant and suffering from postpartum psychosis.

我们应该查一查 怀孕并患有产后精神病的患者
