N怎么读: 音标[en]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ N是什么意思

[计] 负的, 数, 编号, 纳
[医] 氮(7号元素), 当量的, 规度的(溶液)

n. the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet


1. Over here, we've got surf 'n' turf 'n' earth 'n' birth lobster, filet, truffles, caviar.

这里呢 山珍海味应有尽有 龙虾 鱼片 松露 鱼子酱

2. Fiona, in my younger days, I slept with every member of the guns 'n' roses cover band buns 'n' hoses.

菲奥娜 我年轻的时候跟山寨枪花乐队的 臀*乐队里的每一个成员都睡过

3. No, I understand that, but you're n listening to me.

不 这我知道 你没听懂我的意思

4. Oh, n Iit's not like it was. It's I can't.

这里都大变样了 都... 我做不到

5. He had n... you had no idea that that was gonna work.


6. I hate to use the "n" word, but you know.

我讨厌说N开头的这个词 但你也明白

7. Oh...n no, you're not, like, you're not taking my phone.

不 你不能 不能拿走我的手机

8. No, there's n there's no way I'm gonna rat on this guy.

不行 我死也不能卖了他们

9. Then coop one from the n.s.a. or c.i.a.


10. N It's It's exactly like all of us, which means it's not about her.

不 这是我们每个人的写照 所以写的不是她
