
reflexology怎么读: 音标[,ri:flek'sɔlәdʒi]
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◎ reflexology是什么意思

[医] 反射学

n. the study of reflex action as it relates to the behavior of organisms
n. massage to relieve tension by finger pressure; based on the belief that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head that are connected to every part of the body


1. Then I found out I don't like reflexology.


2. You've got a problem, reflexology will rub it right out of you.

不管是什么 足底*都能治愈

3. Yeah, so reflexology is like this theory that every part of your foot is connected to another part of your body.

反射疗法的理论是 你足部的每个穴位 都与你身体的某部位相连
