
range怎么读: 音标['reindʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ range是什么意思

n. 排, 行, 山脉, 范围, 行列, 射程
vt. 排列, 归类于, 使并列, 放牧
vi. 平行, 延伸, 漫游
[计] 量程; 范围; 域; 距离

n. the limits within which something can be effective
n. a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze
n. a series of hills or mountains
n. a place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds


1. Sonar range from slant range and target depth.


2. Because that is at 17,000 hertz range, which is the range that only people under 16 can hear.

因为这个声音的音高是17000赫兹 是只有16岁以下的孩子能听到

3. Range looks like 2.5 miles. 203, range 2.5 miles.

距离大概4.6公里 方位203 距离4.6公里

4. When we did a measure after seven sessions, she was still in the severe range at 30, but after 14 sessions, she was down to 18, which is the cutoff between mild to moderate, um...and my hope would be, at the end of treatment, she'll be down in the mild range, if not the nonclinical.

七次治疗后我们做了评测 她得了30分 还是在严重区间 但在14次治疗后就下降为18分 也就是轻度和中度的分界点 我希望在治疗结束的时候 她能降到轻度区间 非临床区间就更好了

5. One pound will represent a value, which can differ slightly between traders but generally holds an accepted range, and this ranging value is not determined or decided by politicians or bankers, as a value derived from the market.

一英镑表示了一种价值 可能在交易商之间有轻微不同 但是普遍都有着一个公认的范围 而且这个范围并非由政客 或银行家决定 因为价值由市场决定

6. What we want to do is determine if there's a healthy population, a viable population of elephants in this part of the range, because if there is, there's a very good chance that the forest is healthy north of here and that it will also support additional herds of elephant, so we could be looking at an extensive range that has a large population of elephants along most of its length.

我们要确认这个区域内 是否存在健康的 在繁殖的亚洲象种群 因为如果一旦存在 那么这里以北的森林 很有可能是健康的 也可以为其他象群提供生存条件 因此摆在我们眼前的 是这整片森林内 都应该生活着大量亚洲象

7. Not while we're out of range of that fort.


8. If we're out of range, we can't hear them.

超出了范围 就听不到他们说什么了

9. He's out of my range. I can't hit him.

他在我射程之外 我打不中

10. We should be out of their range now.

