
cry怎么读: 音标[krai]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ cry是什么意思

n. 叫声, 哭声, 大叫
vi. 哭, 叫, 喊
vt. 叫喊, 大声说, 哭出

n. a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
n. a loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate)
n. a fit of weeping
n. the characteristic utterance of an animal


1. You cry and you cry until you think can't cry anymore and then you cry some more.

每天以泪洗面 直到觉得眼泪已经流干 可泪水依旧滑落

2. Why are you crying? I always cry when you cry.

你怎么哭了 你哭的時候我就會哭

3. She was crying. I was crying. I was really crying.

她哭了 我在哭 真的一直在哭

4. Cried in my car, cried on a run, cried in the shower.

在車里 在跑步的時候 在洗澡的時候

5. Mom, please, do not cry. If you cry, I'm going to cry.

妈 拜托你别哭 你哭的话我就会哭

6. Crying, crying, crying, and, yep, there goes another handkerchief.

不停地哭 哭 哭 哭完了再递上一块手帕

7. Then, when you told her that, you can watch her cry, and then you can cry some more, and you'll all be *ing crying.

等你们告诉她 你们就会看她嚎啕大哭 然后你们再哭成个泪人 你们就一起哭好了

8. Because if you cry, then I'm gonna cry, and you know I really hate crying at work.

你要是哭 我就会哭 你知道我很讨厌在工作的时候哭

9. If you cry, I'm gonna cry, and then everybody here is gonna know that we actually can cry.

你哭我也会哭 然后这里所有人都会知道 我们会哭

10. I'd cry and cry. It took me a long time to realize that crying wouldn't make him stop.

我哭個不停 我花了很久才意識到 哭不會讓他停手
