
survivalist怎么读: 音标[sә'vaivәlist]
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◎ survivalist是什么意思

n. 成功地活下来的人,活命主义者

n. someone who tries to insure their personal survival or the survival of their group or nation


1. He was a survivalist, I guess you'd call it.

他是个幸存者 可以这么说

2. They were both survivalist types, in their 40s and 50s.

都像是生存主义者 四十到五十岁之间

3. This case is still legendary for extreme survivalists.


4. Her father was a survivalist, so she learned outdoor skills from him.

她父亲是个野外生存家 所以她学了很多户外技巧

5. My first real test as a survivalist, and I failed.

我第一个生存测试 就失败了

6. so they're with me survivalist training program for atrisk youth.

所以和我在一起 高危青少年的生存训练项目

7. Yes, and marry a sexy survivalist and *oke your own jerky.

对 然后娶个性感的女贝爷 自己熏肉干

8. Our survivalist threat was still in the planning stage, apparently.

我们查出来的暗杀计划 还只是在策划阶段

9. We're like 100 cans of peas, and some racist literature away from being survivalists.

只差100盒豌豆罐头 和几本种族歧视文学 我们就成生存主义者了

10. Yeah, a teddy bear in a survivalist bunker with a year's supply of food, guns and ammo.

是的 一只躲在防空洞里 有一年食物和弹药补给的泰迪熊
