
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Gwynne是什么意思

n. (Gwynne)人名;(英)格温


1. Gwynn, listen to me. I can't believe it.

格温 听我说 难以置信

2. Gwynn needs more of the ointment you gave me.


3. Gwynn, they made me kill my own father.

格温 他们逼我杀了我的父亲

4. Gwynn is fine. I need you to calm down and listen to me.

格温没事 冷静下来听我说

5. Gwynn took all my gold, and we're gonna take it back.

格温拿走了我所有的金子 我们要拿回来

6. Gwynn needs you, even though she's not very fond of you at the moment.

格温需要你 哪怕她还在生你的气

7. Gwynn, I cannot risk you getting infected yourself, and I do not want you to remember me in this condition.

格温 我不能冒险让你也感染 我不想让你记得这样的我

8. Gwynn needs to know that she can trust us, and you would have made it a whole lot easier if you helped save her.

格温需要知道她能信任我们 如果你帮忙救了她 那这一切都会简单很多
