
effortlessly怎么读: 音标['efətləslɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ effortlessly是什么意思

adv. 不作努力地, 不费力地

r. without effort or apparent effort


1. Actually, I don't. It seems effortless to me.

老实说我不理解 对我来说这不是难事

2. It was effortless really, if you knew what you were doing.

如果你掌握技巧 根本不用费力

3. It's powerful, effortless and responsible for most of what we do.


4. The hatchlings tore through all of them effortlessly.


5. More importantly, it has to be joyful, effortless, fun.

更重要的一点 就是还得轻松愉快 欢乐有趣

6. And that's how you make effort look effortless.

这就是怎么让努力 看起来不会太用力

7. Just weaving effortlessly in and out of everybody.


8. You have such heart, and it appears so genuine, effortless.

你心真好 很真诚 不做作

9. Effortlessly and without anyone having taught her.

她写起来毫不费力 而且没有人教她

10. And I think things are gonna be effortless for them, too, because of you.

所以我觉得他们的未来也会这么轻松 因为有你
