
ricky怎么读: 音标['riki]
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◎ ricky是什么意思

n. 里基(男子名, 等于Rick, Rickie)


1. Ricky. I know who you are, *.

里基 我知道你是谁 *

2. Ricky, listen to me, you don't wanna do this.

里基 听我说 不要这样

3. Ricky, listen to me, you don't want to do this.

里基 听我说 不要这样

4. Ricky, there's no more containers in this aisle.

瑞奇 那边已经没有集装箱了

5. Ricky, I've been trying to reach you.

瑞克 我一直试图联系你

6. Ricky, I'm not saying you gotta wife her up.

里基 我不是说你得娶她

7. Ricky, do that trick you used to do, baby.

里奇宝贝 把你常玩的那招使出来看看

8. Ricky, this is business. It's a whole new world.

里奇 这是商业 是全新的世界

9. Ricky must have been targeting me for days, if not, weeks.

里基肯定已经盯上我好几天 甚至好几周了

10. Ricky, there's an emergency meeting tonight at the school.

里奇 学校今晚有个紧急会议
