
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ ish是什么意思

abbr. 国际高血压联盟(International Society of Hypertension);单纯收缩期高血压(Isolated Systolic Hypertension);原位杂交(In Situ Hybridization)


1. You just have to study hard. ...ish.

那你要努力学习 好像你学了似的

2. All right, first of all, ish. 40ish.

好吧 首先 是四十多岁

3. My ship automatically...noticed ish that your ship was having some bother.

我的船自动地 注意到 你的船遇到了点麻烦

4. We might be able to squeeze you in around 10:00...Ish.


5. Oh, well, we were starting to become


6. Meet me down in the garage first thing tomorrow morning at noon...ish.

明天在车库见 时间大概是上午 或者中午 吧

7. So I cooked a prawn bhuna. It's been a while, but I think I got the recipe right... ish.

我做了咖喱虾 好久没做了 但菜谱应该没错...吧

8. 11‐ish more hours, so he can get a head start on taking care of himself for a change.

他就不是我的室友了 所以他可以抢占先机 先为自己谋个好出路

9. Your head tilts, your eyes crinkle, and somehow your hair turns a darker shade of blonde ish.

你的頭會傾斜 你的眼睛會縮起來 不知怎么的 你的金黃色頭發也會多一層深色陰影
