
oblique怎么读: 音标[ә'bli:k]
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◎ oblique是什么意思

a. 斜的, 倾斜的, 间接的, 不光明正大的, 躲躲闪闪的
[医] 斜的

n. any grammatical case other than the nominative
a. slanting or inclined in direction or course or position--neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angled


1. You always had an oblique sense of humor, you.


2. I would have gone with a straight oblique, man, but you know what, to each his own.

要是我会用斜直线照射 但是吧 各有各的套路

3. Oblique cranium indicates subject is not human.


4. I'll lay off working my obliques at the gym for a bit.


5. There are multiple antemortem fractures of the pelvis, as well as oblique fractures of the femur.

他死前骨盆上有几处断裂 股骨上还有几处斜形骨折

6. A partial index and a full oblique burned right onto the skin.


7. Close the external oblique fascia with a continuous 20 vicryl stitch.

用连续20薇乔线 缝合外斜筋膜

8. The transversalis fascia, the transversus abdominis muscle, and the internal oblique muscle to the edge of the inguinal ligament.

将腹横筋膜 腹横肌 腹内斜肌 缝到腹股沟韧带的边缘

9. Small caliber, oblique angle ‐‐ skated around his skull until it landed behind his eye socket.

小口径 斜角度 从他头骨边擦过 进入了他的眼睛

10. Once the wall is created, we suture the external oblique aponeurosis, thus recreating the c* and the external inguinal ring.

一旦后壁得以重建 我们即缝合腹外斜肌腱膜 重建腹股沟管及外环
