L怎么读: 音标[el]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ L是什么意思

n. 见习驾驶员
[计] 电感, 标记, 语言, 负载, 局部, 线路

n. the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet


1. l ask everyone who comes through, just like l told you l would.

正如我保证的那样 我询问过了在这里经过的每一个人

2. When l was a girl,l had such ambitions.

当我还是个小姑娘的时候 我就有了自己理想

3. Everywhere l looked l saw treasures of immeasurable beauty, and l longed for my brothers to share them.

我的眼中总是充满着难以想象的美景 并且想与我的哥哥们一同分享

4. l told you what l was gonna do and l don't give a hoot and a holler if there's oranges and grapes crowding a fella out of bed.

我已经跟你说了 我的决定 那儿的橘子和葡萄

5. lf l save up enough money, l can get my own shop,and l won't have to rent from your father anymore.

如果我攒够了钱 我就可以开自己的店 而不用再像向父亲租房子了

6. Yeah, l forgot the phone and l don't know your number by heart, so l called my mom and we made a day of it, which was great.

ԣ ˴ֻ Ҳûĵ绰 Ҵ ȹһ죬 ܰ

7. l thought l understood her to say the spirits had brought us together, and l figured, well, she must have been right about that.

我认为我明白她所说的"是神灵让我们俩走到一起" 并且... 我认为她说的很对

8. And if l did have something to tell you, then l would, in a second, and it would make my life easier, unless there was something stopping me, like a promise, but there isn't, so l won't, so it's cool.

而且如果我有事的话 一定会告诉你的 立刻马上 说出来我也会舒坦些 除非有什么阻止我 比如一个誓言 但是没有 所以我不会瞒着你的 所以没事了

9. And I never would have l l him eat those if I had known.

如果我知道 我不会让他吃的

10. l didn't know what l was doing any more than when you take a breath.

你一叹气 我都不知道该怎么办
