
setback怎么读: 音标['setbæk]
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◎ setback是什么意思

n. 挫折, 退步, 逆流

n an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating


1. This is a setback, but that's all it is.

这是一次挫折 但仅此而已

2. But unfortunately, there's been a few setbacks.

但遗憾的是 遭遇了一些挫败

3. We suffered a setback he did not appreciate.

我们刚遭遇了挫折 他对此不太高兴

4. Yesterday was a setback, but I am not giving up.

昨天遇到了挫折 但我不会放弃

5. This is a temporary setback and nothing more.

這只是暫時受挫 僅此而已

6. Do not let this setback distract you.


7. A setback sets you up for a comeback.


8. You didn't torpedo the case; it was a setback.

你并没有搞砸案子 只是受了点小挫折

9. I expected that there might be some setbacks.


10. As much as I'm enjoying your setback, no.

尽管我很享受你这次的挫败 没有
