
submissively怎么读: 音标[səb'mɪsɪvlɪ]
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◎ submissively是什么意思

adv. 顺从地, 服从地

r in a servile manner


1. But you do mistake me for a submissive.

但你们搞错了 我不喜欢顺从

2. I can't explain it, but they were submissive.

虽然我无法解释 但它们表现得很顺从

3. When he sat down on that platform, it wasn't in submission.

他坐在月台上时 并不是束手就擒

4. All submissions to the auction are final.


5. I'm giving you what you want submission.

我在给你你想要的 屈服

6. By now, he's completely submissive to her.

到现在 他已经完全听令于她

7. He's just ashamed to admit he's a submissive.


8. If you agree to be my submissive, I will be devoted to you.

同意做我的奴隶 我就全心全意的爱你

9. I want a submissive, not a nut case.

我想要个服从我的人 不是疯子

10. The other is submissive and displays obsessivecompulsive tendencies.

另一个处顺从地位 并伴有*症倾向
