
amenity怎么读: 音标[ә'mi:niti]
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◎ amenity是什么意思

n. 便利设施, 适意, 礼仪
[法] 舒适, 方便, 优雅

n pleasantness resulting from agreeable conditions


1. Could cut you in if you're amenable.


2. I mean, I didn't realize you were so amenable.


3. He's a lunatic, but he can be amenable.

他是个疯子 但也是有办法应付的

4. I mean, I might be amenable to that.

我是说 我可能会接受这个提议

5. My wife, she needs all the amenities.

我太太 她就需要一切设施

6. In any case, thank you for the amenities.

无论如何 多谢你提供的便利

7. This is my house too. I have a right to the amenities.

这也是我的房子 我有权使用这些设施

8. Just when I was starting to enjoy the amenities.


9. But as it turns out, he wasn't amenable to my political leanings.

但后来 他不同意我的*倾向

10. And the amenities are really quite fantastic.

