
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ stammering是什么意思

a. 口吃的, 患口吃的
n. 口吃

v speak haltingly


1. I took care of the immediate memory stammer.


2. Instead of me stammering in fits and starts, a letter is more concise.

以避免我想告诉他时无法开口 还是信比较简洁明了

3. He couldn't even get through a sentence without stammering or wandering offsubject.

他要么句句结巴 要么就是离题

4. So, he's like stammering and he tries to laugh if off, but then he just, like, pushes past me.

于是他支支吾吾 想一笑了之 然后就从我身边挤了过去

5. And now your mother says that, uh, thatthat I... that I have aanan an annoying ststuh, stammer.

*妈说 我 我这个人 结 巴 结巴 很 招人 厌

6. A child, blooming into woman, who would see in you not the stammering lunatic of your youth, but a vision of strength and hope.

一个刚刚长成的女人 在她眼中 你不是年轻时那个口吃的疯子 而是强大的希望
