
haw怎么读: 音标[hɒ:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ haw是什么意思

n. 山楂, 吆喝牲畜左转, 呃, 瞬膜
vt. 使向左转
vi. 向左转

n. the nictitating membrane of a horse
v. utter `haw'


1. Haw much are we talking about? It could be billions.

会有多少钱 可能会有数十亿美元

2. I washed out because I believed everybody who told me haw great I was.


3. Hawes would probably be trying to identify us today, too.


4. Hawes informed me the bodies of the two remaining mules had been found.

霍斯通知我另外两个毒骡的尸体 被找到了

5. I like fast cars and computers and bay things, haw butch.

我喜欢跑车 电脑 很Man的东西

6. If you waste your time hemming and hawing, then someone else is gonna make that choice for you.

如果你浪费时间磨磨唧唧 别人就会替你做出选择

7. Um, I am, uh, you know, uh, cover story, stalling for time, cover story, hemming, hawing, excuse, alibi.

我這個...你知道 編個故事 拖拖時間 編故事 吞吞吐吐 支支吾吾 借口 不在場證明
