
naw怎么读: 音标[nɔ:]
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◎ naw是什么意思

adv. <俚> 不,不是, 没有(用以表示否定的回答)


1. Naw, naw, I picked up a catering gig actually, yeah.

不 不 其实是我最近接了个供餐的活

2. Naw, by the time I jumped in, you were already out of it.

没有 等我接手时 你已经晕过去了

3. Naw, guys play music for two reasons.

你要知道 玩音乐只有二个原因

4. You say that like it's supposed to mean something to me, but...naw.

听你的口气 好像我该知道 但...

5. Naw, he just liked taking care of the animals.

没有 他只是喜欢照顾那些动物
