
wisecrack怎么读: 音标['waizkræk]
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◎ wisecrack是什么意思

n. 俏皮话

n. witty remark
v. make a comment, usually ironic


1. When I woke up a week later, they'd written in a... a wisecracking neighbor.

我一周后醒来时 他们就写进去了一个花言巧语的邻居

2. When things get real, I make wisecracks, you put on your armor.

一旦涉及敏感话题 我会说俏皮话 而你便筑起心防

3. I thought you were always too busy wisecracking to ever learn anything from me.

我想正因为你总是逞口舌之快 所以才没能从我这儿学到一丁点东西

4. It's pretty clear that she is undermining your path to success with her wisecracks and wordplay.

很显然 她在你的成功道路上 用她的俏皮话与双关语在搞破坏

5. She's this ferocious, sexy wisecracking powerhouse of a woman, just like you.

她是个很猛很性感 非常聪明的女人 就像你一样

6. I'll drive your demons away, kick 'em in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack.

我会驱除你身边的恶魔 狠狠教训他们 再亲眼见证他们的灭亡 留下一个点头 一抹邪笑 一句嘲讽
