
Pandy怎么读: 音标['pændi]
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◎ Pandy是什么意思



1. Especially for the pandi curry, if they say this, then.

尤其是潘迪咖喱 如果她们喜欢 那就成功了

2. No, it could not be pumpkin, it could be also the pandi curry, let's see.

不 有可能不是南瓜 也可能是潘迪咖喱 我们走着瞧

3. Yes. I've got my pandi curry here, which is finished with the kachampuli.

好 我做了潘迪咖喱 最后加入了藤黄果

4. Gordon, your pandi curry presentation was too good, but it required more spice for our ladies.

戈登 你的潘迪咖喱卖相非常诱人 但对我们来说还需要更多香料

5. Bitter lime in the pandi curry and coffee liqueur on top of the rice pudding.

苦青柠汁加入潘迪咖喱 在米布丁上方来点咖啡利口酒

6. For this important feast, I'll be serving up the ant chutney we prepared earlier today, along with a pandi curry and a fish curry.

为这场重要的盛宴 我准备了蚂蚁酸辣酱 就是之前制作的 还有潘迪咖喱和鱼肉咖喱

7. Couple more minutes and I'll get my dry masala in the pandi curry and my kachampuli, and then I'm going to finish that with the very, very strong bitter limes.

再过几分钟 我就把干马萨拉酱放进潘迪咖喱 还有藤黄果 然后收尾时我要放入 非常非常苦的青柠汁
