
thereafter怎么读: 音标[.ðєәr'æftә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ thereafter是什么意思

adv. 其后, 从那时以后

r. from that time on


1. First you guys, and then me quickly thereafter.

先是你们 然后很快就会轮到我

2. Thereafter, I was sent on a different assignment.

那之后 我被指派去做别的任务

3. Shortly thereafter, those same men showed up.

开店后不久 那些人就出现了

4. And immediately thereafter, all three were turned off.

在那之后 三台手机立刻都被关机

5. The problem seems to be keeping him honest thereafter.


6. Now, the mom, she died of heartbreak soon thereafter.


7. The governor will return soon and I soon thereafter.

总督很快就会回来 随后我也会回来

8. Shortly thereafter, tongueless bodies start showing up.

之后不久 无舌的尸体就陆续出现

9. And, uh, she and the mister got married soon thereafter.

然后 不久之后他们就结婚了

10. Tonight, I want you at my side and thereafter I shall stay in the country.

今晚 我希望你会支持我 之后 我会留在这个郊区
