
patriarchy怎么读: 音标['peitriɑ:ki]
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◎ patriarchy是什么意思

n. 家长统治, 父权制, 男性政体
[法] 家长制, 父权制, 父系社会

n. a form of social organization in which a male is the family head and title is traced through the male line


1. You topple the patriarchy. It's all yours.

你*了父权制度 厕所是你的了

2. To the patriarchy, we've been practically invisible.

在父权制社会中 我们其实一直是被忽视的

3. Rings are just a symbol of the patriarchy.


4. Or we risk being perceived as threatening to the patriarchy.


5. The, uh... patriarchy is alive and kicking, as we all know.

男权思想作怪 大家都明白的

6. You said offices have corners and corners are the patriarchy.

你说办公室有拐角 而拐角就象征着男权

7. I'm di*antling the patriarchy this year, and I'm not afraid to start with you.

我打算今年廢除父權制 我可不怕從你開始

8. Well, that's another blow to the patriarchy, I guess.

