
colloquially怎么读: 音标[kә'lәukwiәli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ colloquially是什么意思

adv. 用口语, 用通俗语

r. with the use of colloquial expressions


1. I was trying to be polite and colloquial.

我只是出于礼貌 客气一下

2. Colloquially. It's on your vocab study list.

是口头地 你的词汇学习表上有

3. Colloquially, it is known as the patience grenade.

通俗点说 它叫耐心手雷

4. I understand the colloquial meaning attached to it.


5. Even some of their customs and colloquiali*s were familiar.


6. Where he proceeded, I believe the appropriate colloquiali* is, to finger you.

他当时干的 我想通俗点说就是 指交

7. It's more colloquial, yet very descriptive name, is truth serum.

用更通俗易懂 更形象生动的说法 就是吐真剂

8. In colloquial terms, the subject could, in theory, be remotely operated.

通俗来说 理论上 主体是可以被远程操纵的

9. I steered her away from colloquiali*s and into "fun facts" and trivia tidbits.

我把她从爱讲俚语改成了 爱讲冷知识和小花絮

10. This is sodium thiopental, but you're probably more familiar with its colloquial name truth serum.

这是硫喷妥钠 但你可能更熟悉它的俗称 吐真剂
