
unilateralism怎么读: 音标[.ju:ni'lætәrәlizm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ unilateralism是什么意思

n. 单方面政策(的实行), 单方面裁军

n. the doctrine that nations should conduct their foreign affairs individualistically without the advice or involvement of other nations


1. And second of all, if you're going to unilaterally decide she can go, then I'm going to unilaterally decide that your decision is caca.

其次 如果你单方面决定 她可以去 那我也单方面决定 你的决定 是"米田共"

2. You had no right to act unilaterally.


3. but we can't keep secrets, no unilateral decisions.

但是我们不能有秘密 不能一个人单方面做决定

4. We've agreed that we can't have those kinds of unilateral operations.

我们达成过共识 不能有那种单边行动

5. I wouldn't make a unilateral decision like that.


6. I'm just saying that decision was unilateral.

我的意思是 这个决定是单方面的

7. In a democracy, good is a conversation, not a unilateral decision.

在*世界 好是探討出來的 而不是單方面決定的

8. Okay, and you can't just make a unilateral decision.


9. I know you think I made a unilateral decision here.


10. Look, you can't make any more unilateral decisions about our relationship.

你不能再單方面 對我們的關系做決定了
