
audiotape怎么读: 音标['ɔ:diәuteip]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ audiotape是什么意思

n. 录音磁带

n. a tape recording of sound
n. magnetic tape for use in recording sound


1. So, I'm just going to send in an audiotape.

所以 我还是寄录音带吧

2. Rudy said that Izzy had audiotapes in his car.


3. One was written, one was actually audiotaped.

一份是书面 另一份是录音

4. Somebody has been leaking the audiotape of our impeachment pitch to a prosecutor.

有人把我们*案讨论的 录音带泄露给了一位检察官

5. of an anonymous audiotaped manifesto, one which threatened violence.

锁定了他们的电话行销部 好像威胁使用暴力
