
crawl怎么读: 音标[krɒ:l]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ crawl是什么意思

n. 爬行, 匍匐而行, 养鱼池
v. 爬行

n. a very slow movement
n. a swimming stroke; arms are moved alternately overhead accompanied by a flutter kick
n. a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body
v. move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground


1. Robert crawled back down the hole he crawled up in.


2. Annie crawled to her convent and you'll do the same as you go crawling back to your daddy.

懦弱的安妮躲进了修道院 你也会一样如此 回到*爸那儿躲起来

3. 13 years crawling around as maggots all for this one moment, this urge, this undeniable need to crawl out of the dirt and bang their brains out.

十三年来像蛆虫一样爬来爬去只为这一刻 这种* 这种不可否认的需要破土而出 令其脑浆迸发

4. He leaves me there to to crawl out.

他留我一个人 慢慢收拾干净

5. I'm not crawling out from under that until the morning.

我得被压着睡一晚上 早上才能爬出来

6. I could crawl out there, but there's no cover.

我可以爬过去 但是那边没有掩体

7. He's in the crawl space above his bedroom.


8. And I'm assuming he didn't just crawl in there himself.

我猜应该不是 自己把自己卷成一团

9. Come on, don't make me crawl under there.

别这样 别让我从底下爬进去

10. I'm gonna break you so you have to crawl out of here.

我要把你折磨垮 让你不得不从这里爬出去
