
jeff怎么读: 音标[dʒef]
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◎ jeff是什么意思

n. 杰夫(男子名, 等于Jeffrey)


1. Jeff would approve of me being in a relationship with more than you.

肯定最同意让我 跟你在一起

2. Jeff and I both have weapons experience.


3. Jeff and I didn't get together until all of this was over.


4. Jeff, I didn't mean to be here all day.

杰夫 我没想在这待一整天

5. Jeff, I am so sorry I didn't return your call.

杰夫 不好意思没给你回电

6. Jeff, there's something I need to tell you.

杰夫 有件事我要告诉你

7. Jeff wanted the focus to be all on you right where it should be.

杰夫希望所有焦点都在你身上 本因如此

8. Jeff was the one who wanted to come out, not me.

杰夫才是想出柜的那个 不是我

9. Jeff's locker's cleared out, and he left.

杰夫的储物柜都清空了 他走了

10. Jeff had been pulled down into the underworld by a sinkhole.

