
abominably怎么读: 音标[ә'bɒminәbli]
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◎ abominably是什么意思

adv. 可恶地, 讨厌地, 极端地

r in an offensive and hateful manner
r in a terrible manner


1. Because they were an abomination, like you.

因为她们讨人嫌 跟你一样

2. I'm not an abomination, I'm a freak.

我不是恶人 我是个怪胎

3. What he did with that man was an abomination.

他和那个男人做的事 令人憎恶

4. If that's where the abominable snowman is.


5. As a man, you are an abomination, but you are no witch.

作为人类 你让人嫌恶 但你不是巫师

6. Abominations... even if they don't know it.

可憎之物 哪怕他们自己并不知情

7. This be a place of filth and abomination.


8. It makes me cursed and broken, an abomination.

讓我從此帶著詛咒不再完整 成了惹人厭惡的東西

9. Boza, this is the abomination the prophets talked about.

波阿斯 这正是先知提到的穷凶极恶

10. You thought you could be better, so you turned yourself into an abomination.

你认为你能变得更好 所以你把自己转化成了一种恶心的东西
