
usually怎么读: 音标['ju:ʒuәli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ usually是什么意思

adv. 通常, 大抵

r under normal conditions


1. You usually act even stranger than usual, but since the accident, you have been acting more evenstrangerthanusual than usual.

你平时的表现已经很奇怪了 但自从那次事故之后 你就更奇怪了

2. I'm usually on there, they usually got some stuff about me.

我经常上暗网 他们总是对我指指点点

3. It's not the usual, but we are way past the usual.

是不常见 但这个病例本身就很罕见

4. Yes, so the point here is that if we see properties of the usual matter, the usual dust, the usual objects in our galaxy, that's what you expect if you have a black hole, because nothing is coming out from there.

也就是说 如果那是黑洞的话 我们将观测到 一般物质和一般尘埃的性质 也就是我们星系中的常见天体 因为没有什么东西从那里喷出来

5. No, it shouldn't, but it usually does.

是不应该 不过通常都会

6. I'm, uh, usually the one that makes the toast, and it's usually mushy, so it's your turn.

通常都是我来致辞 通常都好伤感 这次就你来吧

7. Your arms was usually dirtier than that, though, but your face was usually the cleanest part on you.

手臂一般看起来会脏一点 但脸部一般是最干净的

8. I don't usually take charters, but I don't usually get paid in pirate treasure.

我一般不接受包租 但一般也不会有人付我海盗宝藏

9. Dom usually takes care of front, and I usually take care of the back.

多米通常负责前厅 我通常负责后厨

10. When a person, usually a man, forces another person, usually a woman, to have sexual intercourse.

当一个人 通常是男人 *另一个人 一般是女人 发生性关系
