
ephedrine怎么读: 音标[i'fedrin]
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◎ ephedrine是什么意思

n. 麻黄素
[化] 麻黄碱; 麻黄素

n. white odorless powdered or crystalline alkaloid from plants of the genus Ephedra (especially Ephedra sinica) or made synthetically; used as a bronchodilator to treat bronchitis and asthma


1. So far, no weapons, no meth, no ephedrine, and no vomit from our victim.

目前为止没有枪械 没有冰毒 没有麻黄素 也没有受害者的呕吐物

2. we found extremely high levels of ephedrine and some yet to be determined chemical substance in his blood.

我们在他血液中检查出来大量麻黄碱 和一些其他不确定的化学物质

3. A little planzamine to slow the heart, sprig of diazepam to rev down the brain, dusting of ephedrine to make his hands cold to the touch.

来点普兰名减缓心跳 来点安定减慢大脑运转 再加点麻黄素 让他的手冰冰凉
