
thumbtack怎么读: 音标['θʌmtæk]
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◎ thumbtack是什么意思

n. 图钉

n. a tack for attaching papers to a bulletin board or drawing board
v. fasten with thumbtacks


1. We could do the the penny in the shoe thing and the thumbtack under the tongue.

我们可以...往鞋子里藏硬币 在舌头下藏图钉

2. And then my sweater got caught on some thumbtack, so that's what all that is, but I finally figured it out.

然后我的毛衣被一顆圖釘掛住了 就弄成了這個樣子 不過我終于明白了

3. I was throwing thumbtacks into your cradle, but now you're all grown up, and you get to watch your brother die.

还是往你的摇篮里扔图钉的时候 但现在你都长大了 你可以看着你哥哥死掉
