
obtuse怎么读: 音标[әb'tju:s]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ obtuse是什么意思

a. 钝的, 不锋利的, 愚钝的
[医] 钝形的, 迟钝的(智力)

a. of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees
s. (of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex
s. lacking in insight or discernment


1. It was meant to be an obtuse reference to a longdead poet.


2. Well, that was all thanks to this really obtuse studio executive.

都拜这个 笨蛋影业老板所赐

3. particularly obtuse way to admit that you're a better man than I am.

很隐晦地表示你是个 比我要好的男人

4. I thought this was his usual obtuseness, but the old man has some sense left in him yet.

我原认为这是他一贯的愚蠢作风 可是这老家伙还不算那么糊涂

5. And so if the book seems obtuse and geared toward the medical community, it was done so deliberately.

所以如果书看起来不那么直白 而且向医学界靠拢 那是我们故意的

6. The other day I walk in and she's writing some obtuse bullshit twenty people are gonna relate to and no one is gonna buy.

我那天进屋 看见她在写什么愚蠢的破歌 只能引起小众的共鸣 没人会买的
