
erm怎么读: 音标[ɜ:m]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ erm是什么意思

abbr. ermine 貂; erythromycin 红霉素; erythromycin-resistant methylase 抗红霉素甲基化酶; elastic reservoir moulding 弹性水库浇铸


1. No, erm... It doesn't matter. I shouldn't.

算了 不重要 我不该说的

2. I... I didn't, erm, not during the marriage.


3. If erm... I don't know if you've had babies.

如果 我不知道你生过孩子吗

4. Not that, erm, I'm presuming you're seduced by me.


5. Erm, I was dying for finish.


6. Erm, come on, you can't all be having emergencies.

拜托 你们不可能都有紧急情况

7. They do brakes and what have you, that's called, erm, this.

他们生产的是刹车零件那类的 然后他们的名字是...这个

8. But, of course, erm, that is what we assumed.

但是 当然 那是我们的假设

9. Got a, erm... I don't know what that is.

你衣服上 我不知道是什么

10. Think about it, it's a very deep, erm, philosophy.

好好想想 这是非常深奥的哲学
