
gluttonous怎么读: 音标['glʌtnәs]
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◎ gluttonous是什么意思

a. 暴食的, 贪吃的, 贪心的

a. given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink


1. I like the fight in you. I'm a glutton for punishment.

喜欢你的冲劲 我不怕辛苦

2. Seems we're all gluttons for a little punishment.


3. I mean, if you're a glutton for punishment, yeah.

如果你想给自己找罪受 那就来吧

4. Not so much for a glutton with a bum heart, however.


5. A glutton for scotch oatmeal cookies and erotic thought.

我对苏格兰威士忌 燕麦饼干 *的想法都有贪欲

6. Big, gluttonous pasta dinner, on me, guaranteed to go straight to your ass.

好好地饱餐一顿 我请客 撑到你脑满肠肥

7. You're a glutton for punishment who surrounds herself with drama and psychosis, like a conspiracy theorist and her mom, for example.

你是个贪得无厌的家伙 身边全是戏和神经病 比如阴谋论者和她妈妈

8. To all fat cats, gluttons, and honchos, as you lazily don your ribbons of remembrance for this tragic day, do not forget, the clock is ticking.

致全体富人 贪婪者和老板 当你们为这悲惨的一天 懒洋洋地戴上黑领结 以示哀悼时 别忘了 时间在流逝
