
nullify怎么读: 音标['nʌlifai]
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◎ nullify是什么意思

vt. 使无效, 废弃, 取消
[化] 使等于零; 作废

v declare invalid
v show to be invalid
v make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of


1. We'll have intent, nullify that video you're worried about.

你担心的视频 我们会让它失去法律效力

2. I guess they sort of nullify each other. I guess.

算是把对方屏蔽了 算是吧

3. Well, I'd tell you, but I don't want to nullify your efforts.

我很乐意告诉你 但我不愿让你们的努力白费

4. They nullify the threat through mutually assured destruction.

因为相互间的毁灭力 反而抵消了威胁

5. Without a license, your tenure gets nullified.

没有执照 聘约自动失效

6. And this collar projects a field that nullifies my power.


7. There must be some parliamentary procedure that will nullify my signature.

肯定有什么议事规则 可以撤销我的签字

8. There is a contingency plan I wish to put into place, to nullify the threat.

我有一个应急预案可以使用 希望可以抵消威胁

9. I have friends who can nullify a deed, foreclose on a property like that.

我有朋友能废除地契 收回这样的房子
