
maidservant怎么读: 音标['meidsә:vәnt]
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◎ maidservant是什么意思

n. 女仆, 女佣

n a female domestic


1. I know gwen. she's my maidservant, not an enchantress.

我了解格温的 她是我的女仆 不是什么女巫

2. What we have here, your honors, is nothing more than the grumblings of a malcontented maidservant.

她的证词 法官大人 不过是一个女佣 不满的牢骚罢了

3. And even if he did discover it, he would like the idea of two maidservants in his bed at once.

即便他发现了 他会喜欢他的床上有两个女佣的
