
minuscule怎么读: 音标['minәskju:l]
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◎ minuscule是什么意思

n. 小书写体, 小写字
a. 用小书写体的, 小写字的

n. a small cursive script developed from uncial between the 7th and 9th centuries and used in medieval manuscripts
a. of or relating to a small cursive script developed from uncial; 7th to 9th centuries
s. very small


1. and my rather minuscule ego... It's not that.

和我脆弱的自尊 不是因为那个

2. Makes you feel minuscule and so important at the same time.

让你同时感到 渺小且重要

3. A *all token, a minuscule manifestation of our affections.

小小的礼物 略表我们的喜爱

4. I'm for change; I'm for, you know, not minuscule change but meaningful change.

我想要改变 我想... 不是那种很小的改变 而是意义重大的改变

5. religion will seem like a minuscule, insignificant way to get there.

而信仰在这期间 会显得无关紧要

6. So, for that, there'll always be a very tiny, minuscule, eensybeansy part of me that will love you forever.

因为此 我心里永远都有极小 极细微 针尖那么大的一块会永远爱你

7. They do practice procedures for every minuscule aspect of their missions, no detail left to chance.

任务的每一环都会反复模拟训练 确保万无一失
