
unscented怎么读: 音标[ʌn'sentid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ unscented是什么意思

a. 无香味的;无气味的


1. No, not when there's a perfectly unscented incumbent on the ballot.

毕竟另外一名候选人 是毫无异味的现任主席

2. I told him the color of the sheets is custom, better too hot than too cold, and I've switched out his soap five times, lavender, vanilla, now it's unscented.

我告诉他床单的颜色是定制的 水太热比水太冷好 我已经换了五次他的肥皂了 薰衣草味 香草味 现在是无味的
