
unfavorable怎么读: 音标[.ʌn'feivәrәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ unfavorable是什么意思

a. 不宜的, 不顺利的, 反对的
[法] 不利的, 有害的, 不吉祥的

a. not encouraging or approving or pleasing
a. (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose
s. not favorable


1. We should be prepared for an unfavorable outcome.

我們應該 做好心理準備

2. 48% say they'd view the trade unfavorably.


3. The press has chosen to take a very unfavorable view . . .


4. Pair of unfavorable dice and 500 pounds is blown off on a breeze.

一对讨厌的骰子 就能让五百镑瞬间没了

5. I do not believe that the state has engaged in any conduct to this point which would warrant the giving of some type of instruction unfavorable to the state should the state decide at this point to di*iss some of the charges that have been filed.

我不认为公诉方到目前为止 有采取过任何能够 明确让法庭向陪审团提供 对公诉方不利的相关指示 导致他们在此刻决定撤销 已经提出的其中几项诉讼的举措
