
finder怎么读: 音标['faindә]
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◎ finder是什么意思

a. 发现者, 寻星镜
[医] 寻觅器, 探示器

n. someone who comes upon something after searching
n. someone who is the first to observe something
n. optical device that helps a user to find the target of interest


1. Hey, there could be a finder's fee in this for you.


2. As attorneys, we are not finders of fact.

作为律师 我们不是实情调查员

3. Finders, keepers; it's the law of the street.

谁找到就归谁 这就是大街上的法律

4. I didn't get it ‭because I had my finder app on.

我在用定位软件 所以没看到

5. All I am asking for is basically a finder's fee.


6. half the finder's fee for me to stay.

只要一半的介绍费 我愿意留下来

7. A 10% finder's fee. I'm offering it only once.

百分之十的佣金 我只给一次

8. Hate for you to miss out on that finder's fee.


9. I am a decipherer, and I am a finder of lost souls.

我是一名解谜人 我是失落灵魂的指引者

10. Give me the ninevolt battery from your stud finder.

