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◎ abjectly是什么意思

adv. (境况)低贱, 凄惨, 很可怜, 可鄙, 不自爱, 卑鄙, 卑下

r. in a hopeless resigned manner


1. You are a total embarras*ent and an abject failure.

你真是让人难堪 还是一个可怜的废物

2. The abject supplication of the weak and the ignorant.


3. It's my thesis project. It's an abject failure.

这是我论文的项目 是必然的失败

4. This is everything my father expects of me abject failure.

我爸就等着这一天呢 等我惨败

5. There's an abject poverty in the frame, but there's also a happiness in spite of it all.

框框里面有着赤贫 但同时有着幸福

6. He endured years of cruel and abject physical abuse.


7. I would say an airplane that doesn't fly is a pretty abject failure.

我会说一架飞不起来的飞机 是个巨大的失败

8. Thrives and becomes more powerful when encountered with abject fear.

当遇到极大地恐惧时 会勃发并变得更强大

9. I wish to know how a boy in its care may die in such abjection.


10. That he should be so abject, base and poor, to choose for wealth and not for perfect love.

好似他如此不幸而贫贱 只得选择钱财而不是完美的爱情
