
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ answering是什么意思

[计] 应答

s. replying


1. Don't answer, don't answer, I'm not here, I'm not here.

别回复 别回复 我不在我不在

2. Sometimes, the only answer is that there is no answer.

有时候 有些事就是没有答案

3. If she's not answering you, she's answering no one.

如果她不接你电话 就不会接任何人电话

4. If the answer's no, the answer's no, not no with excuses.

要是不行就是不行 我不想听借口推脱

5. Okay, I need to ask you something, and you don't have to answer right away, but by not answering, you're actually answering, so, you should probably just answer anyway.

嗯 我想问你些事 但你不用马上回答 不过你不回答也是一种答案 所以你还是回答好了

6. When you figure out the answer to my question, then you'll have the answer to yours.

等你搞清楚了我问题的答案 你自己的问题也就有解答了

7. So you should answer first, and I'll answer second.

所以你先回答 我再接着你回答

8. Answering murder with murder is not an answer.


9. And please don't answer if it's a terrible answer.


10. You want answers I'm here to give you answers.

你想要答案 我就告诉你答案
