
sanders怎么读: 音标['sændәs]
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◎ sanders是什么意思

[医] 檀香, 檀木

n a power tool used for sanding wood; an endless loop of sandpaper is moved at high speed by an electric motor


1. I had an orbital sander for nine years.


2. Yeah, but we don't use a power sander.

会的 但我们不会用电动磨砂器

3. Looks like someone took a power sander to the skull there.


4. Rather like rubbing a belt sander over one's brain.


5. In fact, he was so composed, he turned off that belt sander moments before it plunged onto my genitals.

事实上 他是如此镇静 他及时关掉了带式打磨机 让我的*没有被磨损

6. That's when my trick knee gave out, and I rolled right into the belt sander, which toppled directly onto my groin.

那时我有旧伤的膝盖不听话了 我直接滚向了带式打磨机 机器倒向了我的腹股沟
