
thickening怎么读: 音标['θikәniŋ]
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◎ thickening是什么意思

n. 增厚, 变厚, 增稠剂
[化] 加厚

n. any material used to thicken
n. the act of thickening
s. becoming more intricate or complex


1. Don't worry if it thickens, this is quite normal.

变粘稠了也不要担心 这是正常现象

2. This is the mixture that has been thickened slightly with the potatoes.

这一锅肉汤和土豆混在一起后 稍微变得浓稠了

3. She's adding plain flour to thicken it up.

她加入纯面粉 将其调稠

4. It was testosterone that caused the bone thickening.


5. so you'll need to create a paste to thicken it.

所以你要做成膏体 使其粘稠

6. Some alkaline textures can thicken over time.

随着时间的推移 一些碱性材质会变厚

7. That's really thickened now. It's not much lighter.

现在真的很稠了 不怎么清淡

8. You need that long, you see, to let it thicken.

这时间是必需的 看 让它更稠

9. When so few are together for so long, the blood of the tribe thickens.

人口稀缺的时日越长 部落的血脉逐渐变得单一

10. I'm going to add some flour to it this'll be the thickener in the custard.

加面粉 这样搅成奶黄后会更稠一点
