
unclogged怎么读: 音标[ˈʌnˈklɔɡd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ unclogged是什么意思

v. 使畅通, 清除…的阻塞, 扫除…的阻碍( unclog的过去式和过去分词 )

s. freed of obstructions


1. There's a trick to unclogging it before it shorts out the lights.

把它疏通 还不把灯搞短路可是有技巧的

2. Eh, we could toss a penny in there and wish for it to unclog.

可以扔枚硬币进去 许愿马桶畅通

3. I got a big case that needs unclogging.


4. I tried to unclog it, but you didn't have a plunger, and water was spilling out everywhere.

我试着疏通马桶 可找不到马桶塞子 水也流得到处都是

5. I'm kidding. I'm mostly killing mice and unclogging toilets.

我开玩笑的 我大部分时间在杀老鼠 通厕所

6. You look at me and you see someone who fixes boilers, unclogs toilets.

你看到我的时候会想到一个修锅炉的 疏通下水道的人

7. All this hightech security, and the guy who unclogs toilets walked right in and circumvented it.

设了这么多高科技安保措施 结果被一个通马桶的人 轻易绕了过去

8. things like how to change a tire, how to balance a checkbook, how to unclog a toilet.

就像如何换轮胎 如何平衡收支 如何通马桶

9. I figured if we tried to unclog the pipes a little bit, then maybe we'd get another vision.

我们想如果用酒疏通一下 或许就能有另一次灵视

10. too many leaks to fix and then toilets to unclog and bodily fluids to clean up, and hepatitis tests to take.

要是堵漏 再通厕 还要清理各种体液 进行肝炎测试
