
verdict怎么读: 音标['vә:dikt]
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◎ verdict是什么意思

n. 裁决, 判决, 判断性意见, 定论, 结论
[法] 定论, 判断, 意见

n. (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgment


1. There's only one verdict here and that's a verdict of guilty.

最后的裁断只有一个 就是判他有罪

2. Now you have our verdict, the first humans' verdict.

现在是我们对你们裁决 第一代人的裁决

3. Is this the verdict of you all? It is.

这可是你们一致的判决 是的

4. The only just verdict in this case is a verdict of not guilty on all counts.

本案唯一公正的判决就是 所有罪状都无罪

5. How could you, on the day of the verdict this verdict you arrive with strident black extremists.

你怎能这样 在裁决的当天 带来了一群咄咄逼人的黑人极端主义者

6. Lawyers always say a quick verdict's a guilty verdict.

律师们经常说 裁决得快就是有罪

7. The jury has reached a verdict after about 20plus hours of deliberation and that verdict will be read at 5:30 this evening.

在超过二十个小时的审议后 陪审团已做出裁决 裁决结果将在晚上五点半宣读

8. That's why they didn't come in with a verdict.


9. I noticed that the verdict wasn't listed here.


10. I was in court when the verdict was read.

