
rocket怎么读: 音标['rɒkit]
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◎ rocket是什么意思

n. 火箭, 烟火
vi. 急升, 猛涨, 飞驰
vt. 用火箭运载

n. any vehicle self-propelled by a rocket engine
n. a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion
n. erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender
n. propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon


1. It's not rocket science, it's rocket sales.

这不是火箭科学[复杂的事] 这是火箭销售

2. We found about this technology of adding a choke, like, like rocket science, rocket science uses a choke to make jets and rockets work, and we put it here with some pressure behind it.

我们发现增加节流阀的方法 就如同火箭技术一样 火箭技术中使用节流阀来帮助火箭飞行 我们把它添加到这里并在后面加压

3. I have a successful rocket company because I blew up a buttload of rockets first.

我能拥有一个成功的火箭公司 是因为我毁了无数火箭

4. He has to abort before the rocket goes into space, and he can't do that until the rocket's computers reboot.

他得在火箭进入太空之前脱离 除非电脑重启 否则他没法脱离

5. The childhood rocket maker has, against the odds, become an internationally respected rocket scientist.

历经艰辛后 儿时梦想制造火箭的他 终于成为一位受人景仰的火箭科学家

6. In a nutshell, we put you in the tip of a huge rocket, create a massive explosion at the bottom of the rocket and point you at the moon.

我们把你们装在壳里 安在大火箭顶端 在火箭底部制造大爆炸 然后把你们射向月球

7. No. I'm hanging up my rocket launcher, which is a good thing because the rockets are stupid expensive and you have to buy them from, like... the worst people.

是的 我要把火箭炮收起来 这也是好事 因为火箭炮非常贵 而且还必须找那些十恶不赦的人买

8. When we get knockbacks, when something doesn't happen, when a rocket crashes or whatever, well, I'm even more determined to rebuild that rocket and go again to prove that was right first time around.

当我们遇到挫折的时候 当我们一无所获的时候 当火箭坠毁的时候...无论怎样 都让我更加坚定重头再来的决心 证明这从一开始就是正确的

9. Rocket, this isn't you! It's the armor.

火箭 这不是你 是这具盔甲

10. Not that what you've been doing is rocket science.

